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Kim Gorgeous
Buscar: Mensajes Hechos Por: Gere-Look-Alike
Subforo: Comentarios sobre Expes post_old 06/02/2023, 21:11
Respuestas: 0
Visitas: 425
Escrito Por Gere-Look-Alike
Charlas sobre Emily - Estadounidense - 665418223

I’m in the US now, but since my last post seemed to be helpful to some, I just wanted to share some ideas on how to get the most out of an escort experience.. My past experiences with escorts and my most recent experience with Emily generated the following thoughts.
Not only are not all escorts the same, but each escort finds certain behaviors more engaging than others. My/your satisfaction is paramount, but doing and saying things that turn her on have side benefits since she will respond...
Subforo: OK! Escorts - Agencia - Solo salidas - BCN - 665418081 / 665418223 post_old 03/02/2023, 04:40
Respuestas: 37
Visitas: 60.397
Escrito Por Gere-Look-Alike
ExperienciaExperiencia con Fotos Disponibles CLIENTE White Edad del cliente: 45+ Te...

Edad del cliente: 45+
Te diste a conocer como forero de SexoMercado?: No
Con tu nick?: No

Nombre "artístico": Emily
Nacionalidad: (u origen probable) USA
Edad: (aparente y/o anunciada) 27
Fotos falsas o retocadas?: No
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